The World of Musical Instruments Brochures

ESP 1980s

ESP Catalog late 1980s

The year of issue is unknown, but it is probably from the late 80s.

Exotic woods guitar series SE-300FM, SE250JW, SE-250SJW, SE-250 Custom, SE-200KA, SE-185MS, TE-145CN, TE-140CN

Exotic woods basses PJ-300FM, EW-250, PJ-250SJW, JB-300HM, PJ-160HM, Navigator Les Paul models LPS-350, LPC-200, LPS-140, SG model SGS-140

About wood materials and neck

Artist models Random star RS-213, RC-250, AC-315, PPJ-160

Pickups and accessories

As a special thanks, the names of the artists are lined up in a row.

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