The World of Musical Instruments Brochures

Ibanez 1986

Ibanez Guitar Catalog 1986

This is a catalog made in the style of a magazine, with a right-handed binding and vertical writing.

The table of contents is also magazine style.

If you just looked at this page, you'd think it was a complete music magazine page.

PL series guitars PL650, PL1990, PL2550, PL1770


RG series guitars RG530, RG1003, RG1200, RG650, RG652, RG530

RG series guitars RG52, RG53, RG650, RG50, RG52

Alan Holdsworth model guitars AH10, AH20


Destroyer guitars DG350, DG555, bass guitars DT670, DT870


AR seies guitars AR400, AR300, AR305

Description of the AR series and more.

Semi hollow body guitars AS200, AS80, AM205, Lee Ritenour model LR10

George Benson model guitars GB10, GB30, Joe Pass model JP20

Bass guitar from this page

MC series bass guitars MC2924, MC2940, MC824, MC924

RB series bass guitars RB840, RB760, RB885, RB850

RB series bass guitars RB845, RB824, RB550, RB999

Finally, the Axstar series guitars and basses with tail-end tuners

Axstar series guitar AX75, bass guitars AXB1000, AXB50

Accessories and more

Mar. 1986

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