The World of Musical Instruments Brochures

Acetone 1977

Acetone catalog 1977

1977 edition catalog

Guitar amps GH-600, GH-1200, SA-60, SA-150, G-15, G-35, MINI 8, SA-15, SA-25, SA-45, Speaker systems GH-600S, GH-1200S, Guitar preamp GH-1

Bass preamp BH-1, Bass speaker systems BH-600S, BH-1200S, Bass amp B-50, Mixers PH-1, PH-2, Vocal speaker systems PH-600S, PH-1200S, VM-45

Analog drum machines FR-6, FR-15, FR-60, FR-80, AV-64

Acetone organ X-3, Hammond organ X-5, Acetone synthesizer PS-1000, Hammond synthesizer NO.102200

Stereo phaser LH-100, Graphic equalizer GH-100, Fuzz master FM-3, Wah fuzz FW-1, 4 channel mixer MP-40, Electronic echo (analog delay) EH-100, Tape echo EC-20, accessories

Vocal amp VM-85 and speaker VS-85, from Japan Hammond. 7709 means Sep. 1977, maybe.

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