The World of Musical Instruments Brochures

Roland 1989

Roland keyboard catalog 1989

Keyboards catalog in 1989

Synthesizers D-50, D-550, D-20, D-10, D-5

D-110, MT-32, Sample workstation W-30, W-30SC

Samplers S-550, S-330 and softwares

RS-PCM playback sampler U-20, U-110, Digital pianos RD-1000, RD-300S, HP-2500SL, KR-33, HS-80

Inteligent accompaniment keyboards E-20, E-10, MIDI master keyboards A-80, A-50, MIDI display A-110, MIDI patchbay A-880

Sequencers MC-500mkII, MC-300 and Audio mixers

Effects, Speakers and accesories

Jul. 1989 edition

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